Collecting your keys

The first thing you'll need to do when you arrive at your halls is pick up your keys.

Where do I collect my keys?

Campus Hall of Residence Key Collection Point

Ashburne Hall

Oak House

Richmond Park

Sheavyn House

Unsworth Park

Uttley House

Woolton Hall

Fallowfield Central Reception

Richmond Park

Gunnery Lane



M14 6YY

Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm 

Victoria Park 

Burkhardt House

Hulme Hall

Hulme Hall Reception

Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm 

Victoria Park

Canterbury Court

Dalton Ellis Hall

St Anselm Hall 

Dalton Ellis Reception

Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm 


Horniman House

Whitworth Park

Whitworth Park Reception

Monday to Friday 8am – 6pm 

City George Kenyon Hall

George Kenyon Reception 

Leased Halls

Brook Hall 

Brook Hall Reception 

Daisy Bank Hall

Daisy Bank Hall Reception 

Denmark Road

Denmark Road Reception
  Manchester Gardens Manchester Gardens Reception 

IQ Salford Student Quarter

IQ Salford Student Quarter Reception 

Park View

Park View Reception 

Rusholme Place

Rusholme Place Reception 
  Weston Hall Weston Hall Reception 


What do I do if I lose my keys?

As soon as you realise you have lost your keys/swipe card you should login to the e-store and pay for a replacement.

When you have paid the fee, simply take the online receipt to your reception, where another key/swipe card will be issued. If you live in Weston Hall, Daisy Bank, Rusholme Place, Brook Hall, Denmark Road, Salford Student Quarter, Manchester Gardens or Park View please contact your reception to arrange payment. Where keys have been lost on multiple occasions we reserve the right to charge a resident for a full lock change, this will include labour and any other associated costs that the University have to pay. No refunds will be given for any keys/swipe cards found after the replacements are issued.

What if I arrive out of hours?

If you arrive out of hours, please contact the ResLife Advisor for your hall and let them know when you're due to arrive.