Planned maintenance and your safety
Notification of planned maintenance
When we have to carry out planned maintenance tasks, for example, legionella testing, we will, wherever possible, give you seven days' notice. We do our best to reduce the impact on you and will not carry out such work during known exam times. When work is to be carried out we will inform you via email to your preferred email address on our system.
Our right to test and remove any item of electrical equipment
The University reserve the right to test and remove any item of electrical equipment if suspected of being faulty or dangerous. There is no requirement, nor is it practicable, to carry out tests on resident’s personal appliances. However, all members of staff have a duty of care and must report any portable appliance that they see within the accommodation that shows any sign of damage or address any inappropriate use of electrical items. Further information about this is available from your Housekeeping and Facilities team.
Electrical Safety
The University undertakes Portable appliance testing (PAT) on an annual basis for appliances provided by the University within your accommodation, and these are labelled as safe. This includes things such as desk lamps, kettles, microwaves and vacuum cleaners. Please report any damaged or faulty appliances using the buildings maintenance system. The University also carries out fixed wire testing as determined by current regulations.
Electrical appliances brought by students must be electrically safe and of sound design. They should carry an ASTA/BEAB kite mark or an equivalent European safety conformity marking and their use will be at your own risk. Equipment should not be damaged in anyway and should be fitted with the correct fuse and wired correctly with no exposed wiring into a plug. We do not undertake portable appliance testing on student owned equipment. It is your responsibility to ensure your equipment is compliant with the IEE Code of practice. The university reserves the right to test and remove any item or electrical equipment if suspected of being faulty or dangerous. It undertakes fire risk assessments and health and safety inspections on a routine basis. If your electrical equipment is deemed unsafe it will be removed (see above).
International Appliances
The electrical supply voltage or “mains” is supplied in the UK at 230 volts. Connection to the mains is via a traditional BS1363 13 amp 3 pin plug. Some countries have voltage supplies in the range of 110-120 vols and utilise 2 pin plugs. Electrical appliances of this nature cannot be used in the UK without using a three pin adaptor. Students must not try to use appliances without the correct plug or adaptor. If equipment is believe d to constitute a fire or health and safety risk it will be removed.
Fire Safety
All University of Manchester Halls of Residence are periodically and routinely inspected to ensure a high fire safety standard is being maintained. After each inspection, a report is compiled to highlight any significant findings and list issues that need resolving. If you wish to access a copy of the last inspection report for your residence, please contact
Snow, ice clearing and gritting
Residential Services has a service level agreement with the University Estates Landscaping team.
During freezing weather, the Landscapes and Residential Facilities team will grit roads and footpaths in accordance with the University policy, which sets out the priorities for gritting works.
Our landscapes team have responsibility for maintaining adequate supplies of gritting materials. Salt bins are strategically located around the sites.
The Facilities team have responsibility for supporting and assisting with gritting during times of inclement weather to maintain a safe environment for residents, staff, contractors and visitors.