Accommodation Reps
Accommodation Reps are your voice in halls.
Each hall has an Accommodation Rep team who work to improve the student experience. They are a student voice, working alongside Accommodation staff to enhance the student experience and tackle issues which might arise. Reps also help to deliver events and build a sense of community in each hall.
Why not become an Accommodation Rep yourself?
All you need is enthusiasm and a willingness to volunteer some of your time throughout the academic year. You will receive training and continued support from a dedicated ResLife team member!
You’ll also:
- Gain new skills including; communication skills to various stakeholders, organisational skills, teamwork, leadership and problem-solving). Don’t worry if you feel like you haven’t got the skills needed, we’ll help train and support you throughout the year.
- Make friends as this is this is a really social role
- Get the chance to represent your fellow students and help shape their student experience
- Work towards the Stellify Step Up and Lead Award (Stellify is a prestigious University award)
- Improve your employability as it will look great on your CV
If you want to get involved fill in our form
Alternatively, contact if you have any questions - we can't wait to meet you!